
Flood Prevention

A person rakes fall leaves away from a storm drain.
A person rakes fall leaves away from a storm drain.

Before heavy rains hit, get your home ready and help prevent neighborhood flooding with these tips:

  • Clear leaves and yard debris off streets and storm drains.
  • Clear gutters and downspouts.
  • Keep yard debris and leaf piles away from drainage ditches and streams so rising water doesn’t carry the material downstream and block a culvert.
  • Bring leaves, grass clippings, and pine needles to a free Leaf Disposal in the fall.
  • If you live in an area prone to street flooding due to high stream levels, avoid damage to vehicles by parking them on higher ground.

During heavy rains, Clean Water Services crews are standing by 24 hours a day at 503.547.8100 to respond to flooding problems that threaten public health, safety, or property. If rising water occurs:

  • Visit a self-serve sand station located throughout Washington County. Please call ahead to confirm hours of operation and availability of sand and bags. The sand is for FLOODING PREVENTION USE ONLY. Remember to bring your own shovel.
  • If water is more than a few inches deep, never stand on a storm drain or try to remove it. Give us a call at 503.547.8100.

Learn more about flood risk, emergency preparedness, and insurance on our Flood Facts page.